Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh (1882-1967) was a lawyer, professor, author, Governor, Parliament member, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister and democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran.
Mossadegh fought both internal corruption and foreign interference, enacted social reforms and nationalized the Iranian oil industry.
In 1953, he was overthrown by a British-American coup, arrested and tried as a traitor in military tribunal court. It was the CIA’s first successful dismantling of a foreign government, and Iran has not known democracy since.
Hossein Fatemi (1919-1954) was an Iranian journalist and newspaper publisher who became the most vital member of Premier Mossadegh’s nationalist government; serving as Deputy Prime Minister, official spokesman, and, at the age of 33, the youngest Foreign Minister in Iran’s history. After the 1953 coup, he was stabbed, beaten and finally executed by firing squad.
“There is no better way to govern Iran than democracy and social justice!” — Mohammad Mossadegh
Search ↑ to browse thousands of articles. The Mossadegh Project has been quoted in numerous books worldwide, school and university curriculum, and the U.S. Congress. Cited in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio (NPR), The Independent, Christian Science Monitor, Esquire, The New Statesman, Haaretz, Reason, The Hill, The National Interest, Salon, Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Studies, Oxford Bibliographies, The Washington Times, Britannica, etc.
Mysterious, Top Secret British Report on 1953 Coup In Iran
CNN: U.S. Comes Clean About The Coup In Iran (2000)
“I owe my throne to God, my people, my Army—and to you!” Did the Shah really say this?
FLEEING THE COUP: The Shah Lands In Rome (Aug. 18, 1953)
Ali Gholi Ardalan on Improving East-West Relations (1951)
U.S. Oil Exec. on Legalities of Iran’s Oil Nationalization (1951)
The Shah’s Secret Post-Coup Rendezvous With U.S. Ambass.
Pres. Truman’s Independence Day Speech (July 4, 1951)
Harry Truman “Disturbed” By Wayward CIA He Created (1963)
Ohio Man Working In Iran Writes Home About 1953 Coup
Pres. Herbert Hoover’s Dire Warning To America (1951)
Drew Pearson Libels Hossein Fatemi As Convicted Criminal
Text of Iran’s Oil Nationalization Law (March 20, 1951)
Ashraf Pahlavi’s Role in the 1953 Coup In Iran, Exposed in 1954
Dr. Mossadegh’s Interview with Marguerite Higgins (Mar. 1953)
Crazy 1952 U.S. editorial: “Mossadegh Wants Money”
Clement Attlee’s Message To British Oil Workers (Aug. 1951)
Why Did Henry Grady Resign as U.S. Ambassador to Iran? (1951)
“We quarantined Mr. Arbenz” — Nixon Cites Guatemala (1960)
Loy Henderson Interrogates Mossadegh After Coup Attempt
The Secret CIA Operation That Shapes US-Iran Relations
AUDIO: Radio speech by Dr. Mossadegh on Oil Talks (1953)
70 YEARS OF TYRANNY IN IRAN | by Arash Norouzi
CIA: Mossadegh Unlikely To Fall | August 19, 1953 Draft Study
Ardeshir Zahedi | The CIA and Iran: What Really Happened
Denis Wright’s Post In Iran Got Off To A Disastrous Start (1953)
International Court of Justice (World Court) Iran Documents
Shah of Iran’s 1964 U.S. Visit, Protesters Crash UCLA Event
State Dept.: “SAVAK Tyranny” in Iran Threatens Shah (1972)
San Franciscans Debate the Spelling of ‘Mossadegh’ (1952)
1951: Iranian Student in Indiana Defends Oil Nationalization
IRAN PROTESTS 2022: Woman, Life, Freedom (Mahsa Amini)
Queen Elizabeth II | Christmas Broadcast 1953
British House of Commons | IRAN | 1950’s Archive
Causes and Circumstances of Mossadeq’s Downfall | CIA, 1953
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC / BP) Archive 1951-1954
Walter Lippmann Tries To Solve Anglo-Iranian Oil Feud (1951)
House of Commons Debates Middle East For 5+ Hours (1951)
Winston Churchill | Campaign Speech on Iran Oil Crisis (1951)
Radio Icon Paul Harvey *Really* Disliked This Foreign Leader
Madeleine Albright’s Mea Culpa (No Apology) For 1953 Coup
President Dwight D. Eisenhower | Letters & Speeches Archive
Russian Amb.: Dr. Mossadegh Is An Opponent of USSR (1949)
“Australia is vitally interested in Persia” (1951 House debates)
International Court of Justice Judgment on AIOC Case (1952)
Dr. Mossadegh and the Iranians | Letter to Wash. Star (1951)
Pres. Harry Truman | Letters, Speeches Etc. on Iran (1951-52)
The Writer Who Hated the 1963 March on Washington
Iran Embassy in DC Replies To Anti-Mossadegh Editorial (1953)
Challenge of the East: TIME’s 1951 Man of the Year Examined
An American Bahai Praises Dr. Mossadegh (July 1951)
Arthur “Bugs” Baer: More Iran Jokes Than You Can Stand
January 6th, 2021: The Year of the American Coup
Lessons of Korea | Republican Arraigns U.S. War (Nov. 1951)
In Defense Of Mossadegh | Letter to the Editor (Dec. 1953)
“Seven Days In May” Author Fletcher Knebel on Iran (1950’s)
Iranian Transgender Teen: Farideh > Farhad Najafi (1953)
Richard Stokes’ Second Thoughts on Iranian Oil (1951)
Iran According To Ed Sullivan (1951-1954)
Vernon Walters Amuses Crowd With Mossadegh Stories (1974)
If Mossadegh hadn’t been overthrown... (Italy, 1987)
Australian Media Archive on Iran: 1951-1954
IRAN SNIPPETS | More Rim Shots From the Mossadegh Era
Truman and Mossadegh’s First Messages on Iran Oil Dispute
Clement Attlee | Labour Party Manifesto Speech (Oct. 1, 1951)
Shirley Chisholm Appeals For Human Rights in Iran (1972)
Dorothy Thompson’s Warning on Fascism in America (1937)
Sen. Margaret Chase Smith on the Importance of Voting (1949)
Norman Darbyshire’s Explosive Interview on 1953 Coup in Iran
State Dept.: Deport Anti-Shah Iranian Students (Oct. 1963)
What Went Wrong in Iran? | Henry Grady Tells All (1952)
Harry Truman’s Testy Letter to Amb. Henry Grady (Nov. 1952)
SAFER AT HOME: U.S. Implores Shah To Stay In Iran (Feb. 1953)
After Coup, Henderson Scorns Iranian Conspiracy Theorists
1963 March on Washington | Black Rights vs. White Fragility
COUP 53: Timely and Powerful Documentary Delivers (Review)
Good Morning! | Cheeky Australian column on Iran
Dr. Ismail Yazdi (1931-2020), Dead of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Agonizing Death of Dr. Mossadegh (March 5, 1967)
WATCH: End of Empire: Iran | Granada Television | ITV (1985)
Impeach Truman | The Chicago Tribune editorial (April 12, 1951)
2020 Candidate Tom Steyer on Iran, Mossadegh, Soleimani
40th Anniversary of 1979 U.S. Embassy Seizure in Tehran
Divvying Up the Loot: The Iran Oil Consortium Agreement of 1954 (65th anniversary)
The U.S.-Britain Alliance To Erase Mossadegh Was Not Inevitable | by Arash Norouzi
British Proposal to Organize a Coup d’état in Iran (1952)
1954: British Amb. Bewails U.S. Ascendancy in the Middle East
Filler: How Newspaper Layouts Squeezed Every Last Inch
The Communist Danger in Persia | Oct. 1952 British Report
Presenting the Mossadegh Sculpture by Alireza Asanloo
NPR’s 1953 Coup In Iran Retrospective (AUDIO)
Demand for Iranian flags to burn spikes in U.S. (Nov. 1979)
Muslim Brotherhood: Anwar Sadat Rescues the Ailing Shah
1953: Oil Struck In Western Australia’s Rough Range
Dariush & Parvaneh Forouhar Rembered, 20 Yrs After Murder
One Man’s Opinion: Radio/TV Figure Walter Kiernan on Iran
The 1953 Coup in Iran Was An Act of War | by Arash Norouzi
Charles Krauthammer on the 1953 Coup In Iran (VIDEO)
Gen. Bai Chongxi's Telegram To Premier Mossadegh (1951)
1961: Gen. Hossein Azemoudeh Opposes Amini, Is Arrested
The Iran Nuclear Deal | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Bolton: 1953 Coup Was Justified, Now Let’s Bomb Iran
LOST IN IRAQ: The Shah’s Baghdad Sojourn | Aug. 17, 1953
Ayatollah Kashani’s Threat to Mossadegh | CIA, Sept. 1952
Shah Demands More U.S. Aid To Preserve World Peace (1956)
Shah Of Iran Spells Good News For United States (1967)
Robert Reich on U.S. Foreign Policy + Predatory Capitalism
NFL’s “Dirtiest” Player Conrad Dobler and American Politics
CIA Drafts Proposed Official Statement for After 1953 Coup
Perpetually In Favor of War | by Republican Bruce Barton (1951)
The Korean War Makes No Sense | Robert C. Ruark (1951)
1953: CIA Awaits Mossadegh’s Referendum To Dissolve Majles
►Premier Mossadegh Smeared As Nazi / Hitler-Like Figure
►Rise Of A Dictator | The Wall Street Journal, August 19, 1953
CIA Weighs Options After Ali Razmara’s 1951 Assassination
CIA: Zahedi In “Dream World”, Needs “Firm Realistic Guidance”
►CIA: Campaign To Install Pro-Western Government In Iran
►A Study of Electoral Methods in Iran | CIA Report, Nov. 1953
►Zahedi & Churchill’s Secret Messages After 1953 Coup
“U.S. does not interfere in Iranian internal affairs” (1952)
At First, the U.S. Was Optimistic About New Premier Mossadegh
Tehran Labeled “The Craziest City in the World” (1951)
Saudi Arabia / Iran Question Stupefies State Dept. Official
Jawaharlal Nehru of India | A Great World Citizen (1950)
Highlights of the Mossadeq Trial | CIA Memo (Nov. 1953)
Congressman’s 1952 Speech In Support of Korean War Vets
►Mossadegh’s Great Escape From Tehran To Bogota (1953)
►Authoritarianism 101: Study “The Crisis Technique” (1951)
►Remembering Dr. Saeid Fatemi (1927-2017)
►Mossadegh Slept Here: The Walter Reed Hospital Nexus
►Jill Stein Blasts U.S. Foreign Policy, 1953 Coup In Iran
►Hillary Clinton: U.S. Regrets Role In 1953 Coup In Iran
►If I Sit Silently, I Have Sinned: A Guiding Principle
Inferior? The Shah’s Shocking Views on Women Revealed
Indian Supporter’s High Praise For Dr. Mossadegh (1954)
U.S. Journalist Lauds Hossein Fatemi’s Execution (Nov. 1954)
►Rare CIA Propaganda Depicts Mossadegh As Mad Dictator
The Importance of Being Tearful (Australian Editorial)
►Muhammad Ali’s efforts to free Iran hostages (1979-2015)
►Iran Severs Diplomatic Relations With Britain (1952)
►British Humorist’s Demeaning Mockery of Mossadegh (1951)
►THE WRATH OF GOD (1951) | A Christian Perspective on War
►Iranian Students in U.S. Hold Vigil For Dr. Mossadegh (1967)
►Young Bernie Sanders in 1974: Abolish the CIA (MUST READ)
Martin O’Malley: Imagine If Iran Had Continued Democratic Path
► The Truth Behind Those "Unseen" Iran 1953 Photos