Mossadegh and the 1953 Coup in Iran
Over 400 International Testimonies
"In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a
role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government."
- President Barack Obama - June 4, 2009
Written, Compiled and Edited by Arash Norouzi
Years in the making, The Mossadegh Project presents the most ambitious testimonial record ever assembled of the 1953 coup d’etat against the legitimate, peaceful, democratic government of Iran’s popular
Prime Minister, Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.
You will hear from over 400 figures including world leaders, diplomats, foreign policy analysts, military personnel, authors, intellectuals, journalists, politicians, CIA officials, Pulitzer prize winners, Nobel Prize laureates,
Academy Award winners, and many others.
The purpose of this archive is to permanently document public statements made pertaining to the 1953 coup in Iran. These testimonies have significant historical value, revealing international attitudes and perspectives, past and
present, on a key event in Iranian, British and American history.
A definitive multimedia resource with text, audio and video, will be regularly updated and categorized for quick reference. It’s a reservoir of
information that certain people don’t want you to see, documenting one of the most significant, relevant, and yet little-known world events of the past 100 years.
United States Presidents
Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower 
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

Harry Truman Administration
Harry S. Truman (President of the United States, 1946-1953)
Dean Acheson (U.S. Secretary of State, 1949-1953)
Henry F. Grady (U.S. Ambassador to Iran, 1950-1951)
Loy Henderson (U.S. Ambassador to Iran, 1951-1954)
George C. McGhee (Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, 1949-1951)
Henry A. Byroade (Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, 1952-1955)
Stanley Andrews (U.S. Adviser on Food and Agriculture to the Postwar Military Governments of Italy and Germany; Director, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture, 1949-1951; Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration, 1951-1953)
Vernon A. Walters (Interpreter)
Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration
Dwight David Eisenhower (President of the United States, 1953-1961)
Richard M. Nixon (Vice President of the United States, 1953-1961)
John Foster Dulles (U.S. Secretary of State, 1949-1953)
Christian A. Herter (Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959, Secretary of State, 1959-1961)
Loy Henderson (U.S. Ambassador to Iran, 1951-1954)
Henry A. Byroade (Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, 1952-1955)
William B. Ewald, Jr. (Special Assistant to the President (speechwriter), 1954-56; Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, 1956-61)
Vernon A. Walters (Interpreter)
John F. Kennedy Administration
Christian A. Herter (U.S. Trade Representative, 1962-1966)
Lyndon B. Johnson Administration
Ramsey Clark (Deputy Attorney General, 1965-1967, U.S. Attorney General, 1967-1969)
Bill Moyers (Assistant to the President, Chief of Staff, White House Press Secretary, 1965-1967)
Christian A. Herter (U.S. Trade Representative, 1962-1966)
Richard Nixon Administration
Richard Milhouse Nixon (President of the United States, 1969-1974)
Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser, 1969-1975, U.S. Secretary of State, 1973-1977)
Raymond J. Waldmann (Staff Assistant to the President 1971-1974)
Gerald Ford Administration
Gerald Ford (President of the United States, 1974-1977)
Dick Cheney (White House Chief of Staff, 1975-1977)
Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser, 1969-1975)
Raymond J. Waldmann (Staff Assistant to the President 1971-1974, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation and Telecommunications, 1974-1976)
Jimmy Carter Administration
James Earl Carter, Jr. (President of the United States, 1977-1981)
Walter Mondale (Vice President, 1977-1981)
Hamilton Jordan (White House Chief of Staff, 1979-1980)
Edmund Muskie (U.S. Secretary of State, 1980-1981)
Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Adviser, 1977-1981)
Andrew Young (United Nations Ambasador, 1977-1979)
Patricia Derian (Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan Administration
Alan Greenspan (Federal Reserve Chairman, 1987-2006)
David Stockman (Director of the Office of Management and Budget, 1981-1985)
William Bennett (Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1981-1985, Secretary of Education, 1985-1988)
Elliott Abrams (Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, May-Dec. 1981, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 1981-1985, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1985-1989)
Richard Perle (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs, 1981-1987)
Vernon A. Walters (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 1985-1989)
Raymond J. Waldmann (Assistant Secretary for International Economic Policy, Department of Commerce, 1981-1983)
George H. W. Bush Administration
Dick Cheney (Secretary of Defense, 1989-1993)
Ryan Crocker (U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Iraq, 2004-2009) 
William Bennett (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1989-1990)
Vernon A. Walters (U.S. Ambassador to West Germany, 1989-1991, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1990-1991)
Bill Clinton Administration

William Jefferson Clinton (President of the United States, 1993-2001)
Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State, 1997-2001)
Hillary Clinton (First Lady, 1993-2001)
Robert Reich (U.S. Secretary of Labor, 1993-1997)
Bill Richardson (U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 1997-1998, Secretary of Energy, 1998-2001)
Wendy Sherman (Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs)
George W. Bush Administration
Dick Cheney (Vice President of the United States, 2001-2009)
Elliott Abrams (Special Assistant to the President, 2001-2005, Deputy National Security Adviser, 2005-2009)
Ryan Crocker (U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Iraq, 2004-2009) 
Richard Perle (Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, 2001-2003)
Richard W. Painter (Chief ethics lawyer, 2005-2007)
John Marshall Evans (U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, 2004-2006)
Barack Obama Administration
Barack Hussein Obama (President of the United States, 2009-2017)

Hillary Clinton (U.S. Secretary of State, 2009-2013)
John Kerry (U.S. Secretary of State, 2013-2017)
Wendy Sherman (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, 2011-2015, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, 2014-2015)
Josh Earnest (White House Press Secretary)
Philip H. Gordon (Special Assistant to the President, White House Coordinator for the Middle East, 2013-2015), Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, 2009-2015)
Donald J. Trump Administration
John Bolton (National Security Adviser)
Elliott Abrams (Special Envoy for Venezuela)
Anthony Scaramucci (White House Director of Communications, July 21-31, 2017)
Brian Hook (U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State)
Joe Biden Administration
John Kerry (U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate)
Philip H. Gordon (National Security Advisor to the Vice President, 2022-present, Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President, 2021-2022)
U.S. Government Officials, Diplomats & Politicians

Jst. William O. Douglas
Hillary Clinton
Fraser Wilkins
Ryan Crocker
William M. Rountree
Madeleine Albright
Alan Greenspan
Newt Gingrich
Nicholas Burns
Martin O’Malley
Howard Dean
Hubert Humphrey
Dennis Ross
David Frum
Tim Kaine
Thomas R. Pickering
Victor L. Tomseth
Peter W. Gailbraith
John Limbert
Ari Fleischer
Gary Sick
Adlai Stevenson
Robert W. Komer
Henry Precht
James Dobbins
Daniel Ellsberg
Gov. Jesse Ventura
Zalmay Khalilzad
William Green Miller
Goli Ameri
Larry Wilkerson
Scott McClellan
McGeorge Bundy
Flynt Leverett
Gov. Brian Schweitzer
Peter W. Gailbraith
James E. Akins
Mike Dukakis
William B. Ewald Jr.
Newt Gingrich
U.S. Congressmen and Congresswomen

Ron Paul (R-TX)
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Ro Khanna (D-CA)
Jim Moran (D-VA)
Jim McDermott (D-WA)
Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
Bernie Sanders (D-VT)
Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Rand Paul (R-TX)
Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD)
Jim Wright (D-TX)
Steve Israel (D-NY)
David Obey (D-WI)
Keith Ellison (D-MN)
Bill Richardson (D-NM)
Liz Cheney (R-WY)
Paul Findley (R-IL)
Rick Santorum (R-PA)
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
John Lindsay (D-NY)
Christian A. Herter (R-MA)
U.S. Senators

John Kerry (D-MA)
Robert Byrd (D-WV)
Mike Gravel (D-AK)
George McGovern (D-SD)
Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME)
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)
Eugene McCarthy (D-MN)
Thomas Eagleton (D-MO)
Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT)
Karl Mundt (R-SD)
Mark Hatfield (R-OR)
Vic Snyder (D-AR)
James William Fulbright (D-AR)
Richard Lugar (R-IN)
Ernest Gruening (D-AK)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Edmund S. Muskie (D-ME
Gary Hart (D-CO)
John McCain (R-AZ)
Jay Rockefeller (D-NY)
Tom Cotton (R-AR)

CIA Director Allen Dulles Praises Operation Ajax As a "Major Victory"
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

Allen Dulles
Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.
Richard Cottam
Robert Baer
Milton Bearden
Walter Bedell Smith
John Brennan
Donald Wilber
Frank G. Wisner
Thomas Braden
Tony Mendez
John Stockwell
James Woolsey
Philip Roettinger
Jesse Leaf
William Casey
David Atlee Phillips
William J. Daugherty
Paul Pillar
Chalmers Johnson
Michael V. Hayden
Richard Helms
Stansfield Turner
John Waller
Miles Copeland
Flynt Leverett
Vernon A. Walters
Philip Giraldi
Ray McGovern
William E. Colby
John Kiriakou
Bruce Riedel
Earnest R. Oney
Robert Amory, Jr.
John Waller
U.S. State Department

John Foster Dulles
Edmund S. Muskie
Warren Christopher
Loy W. Henderson
Henry A. Byroade
Fraser Wilkins
Richard N. Haas
Burton Y. Berry
Brian Hook
Michael Metrinko
Max Thornburg
Alan Eyre
John H. Stutesman, Jr.
United States Military

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Major General George C. Stewart
General Wesley Clark
General Robert Gard
General Michael Hayden
Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson
Colonel Ann Wright
Colonel Richard Klass
Colonel Chuck Scott
Scott Ritter
Franklin C. (Chuck) Spinney
Colonel Ray Cromley
American Hostages Held in Iran

Bruce Laingen
John W. Limbert
Barry Rosen
William J. Daugherty
Michael Metrinko
Al Golacinski
Chuck Scott
American Journalists / Authors / Writers

Kennett Love
Fletcher Knebel
Walter Cronkite
Ted Koppel
Thomas Friedman
Cokie Roberts
Richard Engel
James Risen
Studs Terkel
Roger Cohen
Carl Rowan
George Will
Bill Moyers
Marquis Childs
William F. Buckley
Rachel Maddow
Peter Lisagor
John Perkins
Christiane Amanpour
Howard Fineman
Howard Zinn
I.F. Stone
Walter Lippmann
Max Lerner
Anne O’Hare McCormick
Stephen Miles Bouton
Percival Leroy Prattis
Eric Sevareid
Peter Beinart
Jonathan Mann
Matt Taibbi
Dr. Frank Kingdon
Pat Buchanan
Stephen Kinzer
Ayman Mohyeldin
Reza Sayah
Chris Hayes
Kingsley Martin
Kenneth Pollack
Glenn Greenwald
Fulton Lewis, Jr.
Naomi Klein
Fareed Zakaria
Cenk Uygur
Barbara Slavin
Frank Sesno
Robert Scheer
Elaine Sciolino
Yashar Ali
Barry Rubin
Robert Dreyfuss
Charles Krauthammer
Michael Slackman
Amy Kellogg
Malcolm Byrne
Fred Halliday
Hugh Downs
Steve Clemons
Ryan Grim
Morton Kondracke
Bobby Ghosh
Roxana Saberi
Reese Erlich
Daniel Yergin
Salman Rushdie
Charlie Rose
Roland S. Martin
Ollie Crawford
Bruce Morton
Walter Winchell
Francis Fukuyama
Kate Millet
Dan de Luce
Mark Bowden
L. Edgar Prina
John Gizzi
Ronald Kessler
Marvin Zonis
Russell Baker
Clifton Daniel
Hooman Majd
Davar Ardalan
Deepa Fernandes
Edgar Ansel Mowrer
Azadeh Moaveni
Mike Malloy
Tim Weiner
David Wise
Rudabeh Shahbazi
Josh Gelernter
David Farber
Chalmers Johnson
Geraldine Brooks
Johann Hari
Tara Bahrampour
Steve Hayes
Andrew Bacevich
Mark Seibel
Charles G. Sampas
Paul Valleley
Anthony Shadid
Arthur James Siggins
Maria Antonietta Macciocchi
John Podhoretz
Bill Kristol
Tucker Carlson
Yonah Alexander
Joy Reid
Sibel Edmonds
Laura Secor
Rania Khalek
Max Boot
Roscoe Drummond
Ishaan Tharoor
Russell Mokhiber
Black Americans

Percival Leroy Prattis
Mayor Richard Gordon Hatcher
William Worthy
George S. Schuyler
Carl Rowan
Horace R. Cayton, Jr.
Rep. Keith Ellison
President Barack Obama
William Gardner Smith
Jesse Jackson
Louis Farrakhan
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Donté Stallworth
Cornel West
Joy Ann Reid
American Professors

Ervand Abrahamian | Baruch College
Janet Afary | University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Fouad Ajami | Stanford University
Hamid Akbari | Winona State University (WSU)
Abbas Amanat | Yale University
Fakhreddin Azimi | University of Connecticut (UConn)
Shaul Bakhash | George Mason University (GMU)
Shiva Balaghi | Brown University
Maziar Behrooz | San Francisco State University (SFSU)
Alon Ben-Meir | New York University (NYU)
James A. Bill | William & Mary
Cyrus Bina | The University of Minnesota, Morris (UMN)
Noam Chomsky | The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Ward Churchill | University of Colorado Boulder (UCB)
Juan Cole | University of Michigan
Richard Cottam | University of Pittsburgh
Hamid Dabashi | Columbia University
Touraj Daryaee | University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Khaled Fahmy | The American University in Cairo (AUC)
David Farber | Temple University
Roxane Farmanfarmaian | University of Utah
Nasrollah Saifpour Fatemi | Fairleigh Dickson University
Edward Firmage | University of Utah (UU)
Richard Nelson Frye | Harvard University
Mark J. Gasiorowski | Tulane University
Fawaz Gerges | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Ali Gheissari | University of San Diego (USD)
Kevan Harris | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Jo-Anne Hart | Lesley University
Shireen T. Hunter | Georgetown University (GU)
Richard H. Immerman | Temple University
Chalmers Johnson | University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak | University of Maryland (UMD)
Sean Kay | Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU)
Nikkie Keddie | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Stephen Kinzer | Brown University (BU)
Charles Kurzman | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC)
Peter Kuznik | American University (AU)
William Roger Louis | University of Texas at Austin
Abbas Milani | Stanford University
Mohsen Milani | University of South Florida (USF)
Roy Mottahedeh | Harvard University
Vali Nasr | Tufts University
Daniel Nexon | Georgetown University (GU)
David S. Painter | Georgetown University (GU)
Richard W. Painter | University of Minnesota (UofM)
Paul Pillar | Georgetown University (GU)
Vijay Prashad | Trinity College (TC)
Babak Rahimi | University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Ali Rahnema | The American University of Paris (AUP)
Frank Sesno | George Washington University (GWU)
Richard Shenkman | George Mason University (GMU)
Lior Sternfeld | Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
Mohamad Tavakoli | University of Toronto
Nayereh Tohidi | California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
Marvin Zonis | University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Stephen Zunes | University of San Francisco (USF)
Foreign Policy Analysts

Joseph Cirincione
George Perkovich
Richard N. Haas
Francis Fukuyama
Paul Salem
Walter Russell Mead
Barry Rubin
Sheldon L. Richman
Ted Galen Carpenter
Bruce Riedel
Haleh Esfandiari
Gareth Porter
Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
Artists / Writers / Performers

Allen Ginsberg
Jon Stewart
Trevor Noah
John Oliver
John le Carré
Gore Vidal
Russell Brand
Yasmin Ahmad
Coleman Barks
Jesse Ventura
Bill Maher
Budd Schulberg
Fletcher Knebel
John Fugelsang
Adam Conover
Russell Baker

Stevie Van Zandt (Little Steven)
Serj Tankian
Henry Rollins
Stewart Copeland
Pearl Bailey
Jello Biafra
Political Cartoonists

Dorman H. Smith
Herbert Block (Herblock)
Hugh Hutton
John Peirotti
Ted Rall
John Fischetti
Harry Giles Eyre
Shaw McCutcheon
Reg Manning
Cy Hungerford

Ben Affleck
Ed Sullivan
Bette Midler
Robert De Niro
Matt Damon
John Hurt
Sean Penn
Kirk Douglas
Viggo Mortensen
Oliver Stone
Alec Baldwin
Walter Murch
Amanda Peet
Ben Kingsley
Stephen Gaghan
Larry Charles
Jesse Ventura
Shohreh Aghdashloo
Harry Shearer
George Takei
Rob Schneider
John Cusack
Ed Harris
Kim Cattrall

Ralph Nader
Tom Steyer
Bertrand Russell
Anthony Bourdain
Rocky Anderson
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Jill Stein
Rev. Franklin Graham
Keith Olbermann
Lyndon Larouche
Howard Zinn
Ayn Rand
Louis Farrakhan
Jody Williams
Edward Snowden
David Hogg
Medea Benjamin
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Fulton Lewis, Jr.
Michael Moore
Charlie Kirk
Patrick Bet-David
Cindy Sheehan
Patrick Bet-David
Paul Harvey
Rush Limbaugh
Jesse Ventura
Lisa Pease
David Icke
Donté Stallworth
Charles Barron
Rev. Jim Jones
Abbie Hoffman
Jimmy Dore
Firooz Zahedi
Lord Conrad Black
British Government

Winston Churchill
Jeremy Corbyn
Jack Straw
David Miliband
Tony Blair
Ken Livingstone
Tony Benn
Phyllis Starkey
Ben Wallace/li>
Dvid Owen
Sir Bernard Burrows
Sir Sam Falle
Sir Donald Logan
Sir Peter Ramsbotham
Sir George Middleton
Sir Eldon Griffiths
Lord David Owen
Lord Tarsem King
Sir Richard Dalton
George Galloway
Baroness Haleh Afshar
Chris Williamson
Andrew Mitchell
Lord Douglas Hurd
Lord David Chidgey
Lord Norman Lamont
Baroness Shirley Wiliams
British Journalists

Christopher Hitchens
Christopher de Bellaigue 
David Frost
Robert Fisk
Mark Curtis
John Pilger
Stephen Dorril
Tom Mangold
Tim Llewellyn
Alan Cowell
Jon Snow
Rageh Omaar
British Professors

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam | SOAS, University of London
Haleh Afshar | University of York
Richard J. Aldrich | University of Warwick (UWAR)
Roham Alvandi | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Ali Ansari | University of St. Andrews
Michael Axworthy | University of Exeter
Oliver Bast | University of Manchester
Rory Cormac | University of Nottingham (UON)
Roxane Farmanfarmaian | University of Cambridge
Fred Halliday | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Homa Katouzian | University of Oxford
British Entertainers

Russell Brand
Alexei Sayle
Frankie Boyle
Rory Bremner
Robert Newman
Danny Wallace
Iranian Government

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Hossein Fatemi
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Abolhassan Banisadr
Fazlollah Zahedi
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Mohammad Khatami
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Manucher Farmanfarmaian
Asghar Parsa
Javad Zarif
Ebrahim Yazdi
Kazem Jalali
Ahmad Ghavam
Nosratollah Khazeni
Rasoul Movahedian
Mehdi Karroubi
Mohammad Nahavandian
Ataollah Mohajerani
Ahmad Salamatian
Abbas Amir Entezam
Ali Larijani
Ardeshir Zahedi
Sadeq Kharrazi
Saeed Jalili
Seyed Abbas Araghchi
Gholam Ali-Haddad Adel
Hossein Fardust
Mostafa Zahrani
Mansour Farhang
Ali Akbar Javanfekr
Iranian Figures

Iraj Pezeshkzad [IRAN/FRANCE]
Shirin Ebadi [IRAN]
Ebrahim Golestan [IRAN/ENGLAND]
Akbar Ganji [IRAN]
Nosratollah Amini [IRAN/USA]
Marjane Satrapi [IRAN/FRANCE]
Soraya Esfandiary [IRAN]
Omid Kordestani [USA/IRAN]
Col. Jalil Bozorgmehr
Golshifteh Farahani [IRAN/FRANCE]
Reza Arham Sadr [IRAN]
Shirin Neshat [USA/IRAN]
Bahram Moshiri [USA/IRAN]
Massoud Behnoud [BRITAIN/IRAN]
Reza Baraheni [IRAN/USA]
Firoozeh Dumas [USA/IRAN]
Gholam-Hossein Mossadegh [IRAN]
Shohreh Aghdashloo [USA/IRAN]
Maryam Rajavi [IRAN/FRANCE]
Massoud Rajavi [IRAN/FRANCE]
Reza Pahlavi [USA/IRAN]
Kasra Naji
Amir Taheri
Ahmad Batebi [USA/IRAN]
Ashraf Pahlavi [IRAN/FRANCE]
Maziar Bahari [UK/CANADA/IRAN]
Iranian Authors/Scholars/Analysts

Homa Katouzian [BRITAIN/IRAN]
Fakhreddin Azimi [USA/IRAN]
Farhad Diba [IRAN/SPAIN]
Ervand Abrahamian [USA/BRITAIN/IRAN]
Ray Takeyh [USA]
Vali Nasr [USA]
Afshin Molavi [USA]
Trita Parsi [USA/SWEDEN]
Abbas Amanat [USA]
Hooshang Amirahmadi [USA]
Saeid Fatemi [IRAN/USA]
Mohsen Milani [USA/IRAN]
Janet Afary [USA/IRAN]
Mohamad Tavakoli [CANADA/USA/IRAN]
Touraj Daryaee [USA/IRAN]
Karim Sadjadpour [USA]
Dr. Hossein Askari [USA]
Azadeh Moaveni [USA/IRAN/ENGLAND]
Haleh Anvari [UK/IRAN]
Negar Mortazavi [USA/IRAN]
Nader Uskowi [USA]
Hooman Majd [USA/IRAN]
Abbas Milani [USA/IRAN]
Benazir Bhutto [PAKISTAN]
Hans Blix [SWEDEN]
Fidel Castro [CUBA]
Mohamed ElBaradei [EGYPT]
Hugo Chavez [VENEZUELA]
Hugh Llewellyn Keenleyside [CANADA]
Jaswant Singh [INDIA]
Russel Norman [NEW ZEALAND]
Nikita Kruschev [RUSSIA]
Cheddi Jagan [GUYANA]
Carl Bildt [SWEDEN]
Ahdaf Soueif [EGYPT/BRITAIN]
Paul Coelho [BRAZIL]
Arthur Kent [CANADA]
Yasmin Ahmad [MALAYSIA]
Zygmunt Bauman [POLAND]
Maria A. Ressa [PHILIPPINES]
Rómulo Betancourt [VENEZUELA]
Hjalmar Schacht [GERMANY]
Ryszard Kapuscinski [POLAND]
Siegmund Ginzberg [ITALY]
Ruben Luengas [MEXICO / USA]
Arend Jan Boekestijn [NETHERLANDS]
Teodoro Locsin Jr. [PHILIPPINES]
Barrister Harun-ur Rashid [BANGLADESH]
Kemal Baglum [TURKEY]
Yasir Arafat [PALESTINE]
Michael Oren [ISRAEL / USA]
Michael Lüders [GERMANY]
Jamil M. Baroody [SAUDI ARABIA]
Mohamed Hassanein Heikal [EGYPT]
Ralph Ramkarran [GUYANA]
Efraim Halevy [ISRAEL]
Jorge Luis Borges [ARGENTINA]
Religious Leaders
Reverend Franklin Graham
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb
Rabbi Brant Rosen
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Reverend Alan Jones
Sister Ellen Francis
Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Maria Ressa [2021]
Jody Williams [1997]
Shirin Ebadi [2003]
Mohamed ElBaradei [2005]
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek [1976]
