March 4, 1946 — The Associated Press
The Mossadegh Project | December 29, 2015 |
Iran Leader Raps Russia
Charges Tripartite Treaty Abrogated
TEHRAN, March 3 (AP) —Dr. Mohamed Mossadegh, unofficial parliamentary whip, declared today that Iran would protest “Russian violation of the Tripartite Treaty” under which the United States, Britain and Russia agreed to withdraw from Iran by March 2.
He voiced belief in a speech to his fellow deputies that the Russians want to stay in Iran “for good” and said he had information that evacution of Red army troops had not yet begun in Semnam, Mezhed and Sharud. [Semnan, Mashad and Shahrud] The Russians said Friday evacuation of those Eastern areas would be under way by yesterday.
Demanding that the government notify the United Nations Security Council of “Soviet aggression,” Mossadegh added:
“The Russians have openly broken their word and abrogated the treaty made with the United States and Great Britain. The world will certainly agree that Iran did her best in the last World War to save the world from aggression—this despite the fact our only interest in the war was to help serve our two big neighbors.”
Ninety-six deputies attending the session rose to their feet and cheered after the fiery deputy said:
“The Russians surprised us and the world in proclaiming they would not leave. They want to stay here for good, but Persia will protest to the signatories of the Tripartite Treaty, and the government must notify the security council of the United Nations.”
Referring to the Russian announcement that their troops would not be withdrawn at present from Northwestern Iran, Mossadegh said:
“They (the Russians) had agreed to quit our land and they repeatedly led us to believe they intended to keep their word. Now, however, they tell us they are quitting only Semnam, Mezhed and Sharud, [Semnan, Mashad and Shahrud] and today I have received word they are still in those places.”
“I think they intend to remain in our country.”
He added that the Iranian mission now in Moscow headed by Premier Qavam Es Saltaneh [Ahmad Ghavam al Saltaneh] “had no authority to negotiate for evacuation of Russian troops” because “the government considered that a settled question.”
Alternate headlines:
Predicts Reds To Stay
Iranian Flays Soviet Designs
Persia Deputy Flays Russ For Exit Delay
Declares Iran To Protest Treaty Violation By Reds
Iranian Raps Red Policy — Treaty Violation Cited By Deputy
Related links:
Russia Exploits Danger In Persia | The Northern Star, May 22, 1951
Mossadegh Back In Iran, Hailed as Returning Hero | November 23, 1951 (AP)
Mossadegh’s Strength “Derives From the Spirit Of Nationalism” (May 1951)
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”