CIA Documents on Iran

Declassified Records from the Mossadegh Era

The Mossadegh Project     
[Updated February 6, 2025]                                                    

“The political forces which brought Mossadeq and the National Front to power are powerful and lasting.” — Nov. 1952 NIE

CIA Documents on Iran, Mossadegh, 1953 Coup | 1951-1954

This archive collects declassified CIA documents on Iran, Dr. Mossadegh, oil negotiations and the 1953 coup. The transcribed documents are supplemented with in-depth analysis, footnotes, annotations and other background information, with regular updates to follow.

U.S. State Department Documents | IRAN
National Security Council (NSC) docs | IRAN
U.S. Congress on Iran | Archive (1951-1981)
British Foreign Office documents on Iran
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC/BP) | Archive

CIA Documents


Collaboration between the Tudeh Party and Mullah Ayatollah Kashani | November 23, 1948


NIE: The Importance of Iranian and Middle East Oil To Western Europe Under Peacetime Conditions | January 8, 1951

Mardom Attacks US For Imperialistic Designs in Iran | February 2, 1951 (Info from Sept. 13, 1950)

Iran: R. L. Hewitt to Ray S. Cline | March 15, 1951

The Current Crisis In Iran | March 16, 1951

Iran: Leading Prime Ministerial Candidates | March 28, 1951

Iran’s Position In the East-West Conflict | April 5, 1951

Implications of the Iranian Situation | April 18, 1951

Situation In Iran (Memo For the Director) | April 20, 1951

The Soviet Attitude Toward the Situation In Iran Since the Assassination of Razmara | April 30, 1951

Pan-Iran Movement | May 10, 1951

Current Developments In Iran | May 22, 1951

Anglo-Iranian Developments | May 28, 1951

Division Within the National Front | June 6, 1951

Press Account of Alleged Infiltration of Soviet Officers Into Iran | June 11, 1951

Iranian Dangers | June 18, 1951

Comments on British Draft Document, “Military Implications of the Entry of British Forces into Persian Territory” | June 20, 1951

Iranian Developments (Memo For the Director) | July 6, 1951

Role of the Haifa Refinery in the Iranian Crisis | July 9, 1951

Effects of Closing Down the Iranian Oil Industry | July 11, 1951

Purchase of Iranian Nickel by Metalimex | July 12, 1951

Topics Discussed at Tudeh Youth Meetings | July 20, 1951

Recruiting of German Technicians For Abadan Refineries | July 23, 1951

Visit of Dr. Baghai to Khuzistan | August 6, 1951

Change in Attitude of Iranian Government toward the Tudeh Party | August 15, 1951

Iranian Economy In the Event of A Successful Oil Settlement | August 21, 1951

Untitled Document on Oil Nationalization | August 22, 1951

Order of Oil Pipe for Shipment to Iran | September 4, 1951

Meeting of Roman Isayev and Mullah Kashani | September 7, 1951

Catalytic Cracking Plant In Abadan | September 21, 1951

NIE-46: Current Outlook In Iran | September 25, 1951

Soviet Trade With Iran | September 25, 1951

Possible Rapprochement Between National Front and Tudeh Parties | October 9, 1951

Kermit Roosevelt on CIA Suppression of Iran’s Communists | October 9, 1951

Postponement of Possible Tudeh “Revolution” | October 10, 1951

India’s Attitude Toward the Anglo-Iranian Dispute | October 11, 1951

Iranian Oil Commission Head Refuses to Return to Abadan | October 12, 1951

Analysis of Iranian Political Situation | October 12, 1951

Soviet Activities Along the Iranian Border | October 16, 1951

Import and Export of Commodities Across the Soviet-Iranian Frontier | October 16, 1951

Conversation with Iranian Ambassador to Italy Regarding Iran’s Oil Problem | October 27, 1951

Import and Export of Commodities Across the Soviet-Iranian Frontier | October 31, 1951

Movement of Soviet Vessels at Iranian Ports in the Caspian Sea | November 7, 1951

Tudeh Anticipation of Police Raids | November 16, 1951

Anti-Communist Statements By Mullah Kashani | November 17, 1951

Anti-Tudeh Measures of Iranian Police | November 20, 1951

Meeting Between Shah and Prime Minister Mossadegh | November 30, 1951

Soviet Ultimatum on Assistance to Iran Reported | December 9, 1951

The 6 December Riots in Tehran | December 12, 1951

Current Outlook In Iran | December 19, 1951


Annotated Gazetteer of the Middle East Petroleum Industry | 1952 (undated)

Election Activities of the Tudeh Party | January 5, 1952

Probable Developments In Iran In 1952 In The Absence of An Oil Settlement | February 4, 1952

The Tudeh Party | February 7, 1952

Conflicting US and UK Estimates of the Iranian Situation | February 15, 1952

Untitled Document On Mossadegh’s Position (#15-19) | February 21, 1952

Untitled Document On Mossadegh’s Position (#22-27) | February 21, 1952

Finnish Tanker Enroute to Abadan | April 23, 1952

Weekly Instructions to Tudeh Members | May 16, 1952

Estimated Capabilities of the USSR to Build a Trans-Iranian Pipeline From Abadan to the Caspian Sea (A Preliminary Report) | July 14, 1952

Estimated Capabilities of the USSR to Build a Trans-Iranian Pipeline From Abadan to the Caspian Sea (continued) | July 14, 1952

An Evaluation of the Significance of the National Front Movement In Iran | July 1, 1952

Psychological Strategy Plan For the Middle East | July 25, 1952

CIA Ponders Mossadegh’s Mental Stability | July 29-30, 1952

Mossadegh “Crazy Like A Fox”, Willing To Deal With U.S. | July 30, 1952

Ayatollah Kashani’s Threat to Mossadegh | September 7-30, 1952

The Iranian Situation | September 11, 1952

New NIE on Iran | September 15, 1952

Alleged Refuelling of Polish Ships With Iranian Oil | September 18, 1952

Prospects For Survival of Mossadeq Regime in Iran (For Board Consideration) | October 3, 1952

SE-33: Prospects For Survival of Mossadeq Regime in Iran | October 4, 1952

Prospects For Survival of Mossadeq Regime in Iran | October 14, 1952

Tudeh Party Attitude Regarding Certain Political Leaders and Elements | October 21, 1952

Background of 13 October Draft Revision of NSC-107/2 (Iran) | November 5, 1952

Extract From NSC-136 (Iran) NSC Staff Draft of 7 November 1952 | November 7, 1952

Probable Developments In Iran Through 1953 | November 13, 1952

CIA Proposed Re-wording, Paragraphs 2–3 of NSC 136 Draft of 6 November 1952 | November 14, 1952

Comments On the Iranian Situation | November 26, 1952

Solution in Iran | November 28, 1952


Communism In the Free World (Iran: pp. 235-258) | January 1953

Moslems Distrust USSR Advances | January 5, 1953

Probable Developments In Iran Through 1953 (NIE) | January 9, 1953

Mossadeq’s New Proposals Offer No Hope For Oil Settlement | Jan. 31, 1953

Mossadeq Plans To Announce End of Oil Negotiations | February 17, 1953

Internal Threat To Iranian Security | February 18, 1953

The Iranian Petroleum Situation | February 19, 1953

Iranian Prime Minister Faces Growing Opposition | February 21, 1953

Indication of Support of the Tudeh Party by Kashani | February 23, 1953

Prime Minister Mossadeq’s Threat To Resign | February 24, 1953

Mossadeq Continues To Strengthen His Position | February 26, 1953

Developments In Iran (For CIA Director Allen Dulles) | February 27, 1953

The Iranian Situation (Allen Dulles to Pres. Eisenhower) | March 1, 1953

Iranian Situation | March 4, 1953

Attitude of Shah Concerning His Present Position | March 16, 1953

Mossadeq Slowly Consolidating Position | March 1953

Measures which the United States Government Might Take in Support of a Successor Government to Mosadeq | March – July 1953

General Zahedi Seeks Shah’s Support To Overthrow Mossadeq | April 2, 1953

Mossadeq’s Version of His Conflict with the Shah | April 7, 1953

The Iranian Situation (Briefing Notes For the NSC) | April 21, 1953

The Iranian Situation (Briefing Notes For the NSC) | April 27, 1953

Iranian Tudeh Party Is No Longer Illegal | May 1953

Rumored Massing of Troops in Southern Iran | May 5, 1953

Probable Development of Soviet Bloc and Western Power Positions | June 30, 1953

Moscow’s Changing Attitude Toward Iran | July 1, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | July 14, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | July 15, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | July 16, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | July 17, 1953

Tudeh Demonstration - 21 July (undated) | July 22?, 1953

Political Prospects In Iran | July 29, 1953

CIA Drafts Official U.S. Statement For After 1953 Coup In Iran | Aug. 5, 1953

Board Estimate of the Current Outlook In Iran | August 13, 1953

Shah’s Decrees Obtained, Zahedi Needs Firm Guidance | August 14, 1953

The Iranian Situation | August 17, 1953

Assessment of the Iranian Situation | August 17, 1953

Memorandum Prepared in the Directorate of Plans | August 17, 1953

Telegram to Burton Berry & Kermit Roosevelt | August 17, 1953

Telegram to Burton Berry from Kermit Roosevelt | August 17, 1953

SE-49: The Current Outlook In Iran | August 19, 1953

Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the Station in Iran | August 20, 1953

CIA Commendations For Officers Involved In 1953 Coup | August 20-26, 1953

SE-49: The Current Outlook In Iran | August 21, 1953

SE-49: The Current Outlook In Iran | August 24, 1953

Tudeh Party Instructions | August 25, 1953

The Current Outlook In Iran | August 26, 1953

Immediate Prospects In Iran | August 27, 1953

Immediate Prospects In Iran (State Dept. Review Completed) | Aug. 27, 1953

The Situation In Iran | September 1953

Anti-Tudeh Activities of Zahedi Government | September 10, 1953

Transmittal of Texts of Messages Sent By Prime Minister Zahedi and Prime Minister Churchill | September 16, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | September 21, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Iran Political Situation | September 24, 1953

Causes and Circumstances of Mossadeq’s Downfall | October 5, 1953

The Co-op Position in a Possible Oil Settlement | October 13, 1953

Kermit Roosevelt on Zahedi’s Meeting With Kashani | October 20, 1953

Highlights of the Mossadeq Trial | November 1953

Letter to Herbert Hoover, Jr. (Unsigned) | November 1, 1953

Probable Developments in Iran through 1954 | November 10, 1953

Opposition to the Zahedi Regime | November 12, 1953

A Study of Electoral Methods in Iran | November 13, 1953

Tudeh Party Comparison of Events of 21 July 1952 and 19 August 1953 | November 24, 1953

Domestic and Foreign Policies, Attitudes, and Opinions | November 26, 1953

Tudeh Party Instructions | December 9, 1953

Tudeh Party Reaction To Nixon Visit and Resumption of Iranian-British Relations | December 15, 1953

Status of Communist Penetration of Iranian Military Establishments (undated draft) | December 29?, 1953

The Situation In Iran | December 30, 1953

Iranian Oil Production | December 30, 1953

Iran [Undated Memo Four Months After 1953 Coup] | Dec-Jan. 1953


Iran: Strengthening of the Army | January 12, 1954

Situation in the Tudeh Party | January 12, 1954

Status Report on Iranian Elections | January 26, 1954

Letter From Allen Dulles Commending Donald N. Wilber | January 30, 1954

Personalities in the Zahedi Government | February 16, 1954

The Outlook In Iran | March 5, 1954

Campaign To Install Pro-Western Government In Iran | March 8, 1954

Consequences In Iran of a Failure to Achieve an Early Settlement | March 29, 1954

United States Policy Toward Iran | April 14, 1954

Iranian Reactions To Oil Consortium Proposals | April 28, 1954

Corruption in the Zahedi Government | June 14, 1954

Impending Political Crisis In Iran | June 15, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | June 18, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | June 25, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | July 2, 1954

CIA Propaganda and Psy-Ops in Iran To Help Zahedi Survive | July 8, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | July 9, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | July 23, 1954

Status of Iranian Oil Negotiations | July 30, 1954

Conclusion of Iranian Oil Negotiations | August 6, 1954

Iran: Economic Situation | August 18, 1954

Progress Report on NSC 5402 (Iran) | October 13, 1954

Probable Developments In Iran Through 1955 | December 7, 1954


Situation In Iran | January 13, 1955

18 July 1955 Issue of Rah-e-Mosadeq, Organ of the NRM | Sept. 21, 1955


Background--Iran (NSC Briefing) | September 26, 1956


The Outlook For Iran | January 23, 1957


Explosive Developments In Iran | May 4, 1961

Iran’s Financial Crisis | June 2, 1961

The Visit of the Shah of Iran | May 30, 1964

The Shah of Iran’s Current Outlook | March 30, 1966

Intelligence Memorandum: The Shah of Iran and His Policies | June 5, 1967

Intelligence Memorandum: Elections In Iran | August 1, 1967

The Shah’s Increasing Assurance | May 7, 1968


Student Unrest Abroad | August 1970

Iran’s International Position | September 3, 1970


Nothing Succeeds Like a Successful Shah | October 8, 1971


Centers of Power in Iran | May 1972

Recent Trends In Iranian Arms Procurement | May 1972

The Shah of Iran’s Role as a Regional Leader | May 4, 1972

Mr. Kermit Roosevelt’s 26 April Meeting with the Shah of Iran | May 8, 1972

Talking Papers for the President’s Discussions in Iran | May 18, 1972

Iran: Internal Dissidence - A Note of Warning | June 12, 1972

Iran: Royal Revolution Revisited | July 27, 1972


Iran: The Economy (National Intelligence Survey) | May 1973


Iran After the Shah: An Intelligence Assessment | August 1978

Iran: The National Front | November 30, 1978

Iran: The Tudeh Party and the Communist Movement | December 8, 1978


Iran: CIA Reports (Hamilton Jordan’s Confidential Files) | November 1979

Soviet Relations with the Shah | December 31, 1979


Iran: Bani-Sadr’s Foreign Policy Views | February 1980

Iran: Implications of the Shah’s Death for the Hostages | March 1980

Internal Histories

Clandestine Services History

Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran

November 1952 - August 1953

by Dr. Donald N. Wilber, March 1954

Cover and Historian’s Note













A     Initial Operation Plan for TPAJAX as Cabled from Nicosia to Headquarters on 1 June 1953

B     “London” Draft of the TPAJAX Operational Plan

C     Foreign Office Memorandum of 23 July 1953 from British Ambassador Wakins to under Secretary of State Smith

D     Report on Military Planning Aspect of TPAJAX

E     Military Critique: Lessons Learned from TPAJAX re Military Planning Aspects of Coup d’Etat

Campaign To Install Pro-Western Government In Iran | March 8, 1954

The Battle for Iran | undated/1970’s (Version released in 1981)

The Battle for Iran | undated/1970’s (Version released in 2013)

“Zendebad, Shah!: The Central Intelligence Agency and the Fall of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq, August 1953” by Scott A. Koch | June 1998

The Road to Covert Action in Iran, 1953 | by Scott A. Koch, Studies in Intelligence, Vol. 48, No. 2 (June 2004)

CIA Propaganda

Our National Character | 1953

Mossadeq’s Spy Service | 1953

Dr. Mossadeq and Reza Shah | 1953

How Mossadeq Makes Enemies of Our Neighbors | 1953

Negativism and Positivism | 1953

Mossadeq’s Desperate Adventure | 1953

Oppression of the Workers by Mossadeq Dictatorship | 1953

The Opium Government | July 8, 1953

Along the Road Toward Dictatorship | August 1953

Studies In Intelligence

The Decline and Fall of the Shah (1988)

The Economics of Overthrow: The United States, Britain, and the Hidden Justification of Operation TPAJAX (2012)


New York Times Covers and Aids 1953 Coup in Iran (Sept.-Oct. 1980)

Church Committee

Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973 | Staff Report

Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders

Covert Action | December 4 and 5, 1975

Rare CIA Propaganda Depicts Mossadegh As Power-Mad Dictator
Along the Road Toward Dictatorship | CIA Propaganda (1953)


Related links:

The CIA Scheme to Have the Shah ‘Dismiss’ Mossadegh: August 16, 1953

The CIA Crisis | The Washington Post, December 24, 1974 editorial

Estimate of the Political Strength of the Mosadeq Government (May 1951)

MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”

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