December 11, 1953 — Detroit Free Press (Letter)
Arash Norouzi The Mossadegh Project | July 21, 2021 |

All through Mohammad Mossadegh’s military trial the U.S. media mocked and chided him mercilessly. Yet one Michigan resident and apparent admirer of the former Iranian Premier wasn’t swayed, as shown in this Letter to the Editor refuting biased coverage in The Detroit Free Press. A photo feature on the trial from an earlier edition of the newspaper follows.
In Defense Of Mossadegh
THIS LETTER is in regard to the pictures and news articles of Dr. Mossadegh’s trial in a recent Free Press.
I was very disappointed when I read that the Free Press described Dr. Mossadegh as an “Ex-Dictator.” For the benefit of those who would like to know the facts about Iran, I would like to make this point clear. Dr. Mossadegh has never been a dictator and never intended to be.
During the 27 months of his premiership, he was always backed by the people and everything he did was within the framework of the Iranian Constitution and according to this Constitution he is still the legal Premier of Iran.
It is too bad to see a man like Dr. Mossadegh, who is devoting his life to promote the happiness and prosperity of the Iranian people, tried by the present Government which has ignored the freedoms and rights granted by our Constitution.
S. B. E.
When “Mossy” Gets Sore

TEHRAN, Iran — Ex-Dictator Mohammed Mossadegh screamed at an Iranian military court: “You can’t try me ... I barred military courts from trying civilians.” The 73-year-old former premier, ousted by Shah Pahlevi’s army last August, still stoutly maintains that he is still premier. In Iran, a tribunal first must decide whether the emotional pajama-wearing politician should be tried on charges that he attempted to overthrow the monarchy. During the hearing, the former premier went on the most emotional jag of his career. He shouted at the tribunal; shed easily-induced tears after hearing the charges; rebuked and later struck his own attorney, Army Col. Jalil Bozorgmehr, and later fell into a faint and had to be escorted from the court. At a later session, “Mossy” seemed on better terms with his attorney, but officials expected more tears. Beneath his outer garment, Mossy wore the usual pink lace-trimmed pajamas.
Photo captions, left to right:
• ‘I Am to Be Defended by This Man?’ Cries Mossadegh
• ‘I Dare You to Behead Me’ He Shouts
• Just Before 10-Hour Tirade Ended He Slapped His Own Counsel
• Mossadegh: Treason?
• The End: He Faints Dead Away.
• Iran’s Shah: Revenge
Related links:
Mossadegh’s Acting Ability Is Slighted | Detroit Free Press, Dec. 24, 1953
No Time For Fainting | Sept. 12, 1953 editorial on Mossadegh’s trial
Pro-Mossadegh Supporters Urge Strike in Iran | UP, Nov. 11, 1953
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”